3. Soybeans
According to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA), genetically modified soybeans are planted on 90.7 million hectares worldwide, which represents 82 percent of all soybean cultivation areas. That fact alone makes it one of the most used genetically modified foods in the world. It’s one of the best examples of genetically modified foods with full explanations that follows. The first GM soybean was Roundup Ready Soybean by Monsanto. Since their patent expired, various generic brands were developed, some of them allowing the seeds to be used for planting, something Monsanto intentionally disabled in their brand, which represents one of the biggest gripes farmers have with the company. DuPont has created a type of GM soybean that produces oil of higher quality by eliminating fatty acids from it, which allowed much wider use of soybean oil in the food industry.

Diana Taliun/Shutterstock.com