If you love your name and want to show the world, you’ll love this list of 10 Etsy shops to buy personalized necklaces with your initials.
I’m a Southern girl, and love monograms. It’s one of the few stereotypical “southern” things I claim to love, but one love I don’t plan of getting rid of anytime soon. I have a monogrammed ring of my initials that I pretty much never take off. I also have an assortment of monogrammed bags and accessories, and I’ve even had a monogrammed trashcan. For some reason, we just love to add a monogram our stuff in the south. You can add one to clothing, cars, travel accessories, decor and just about anything you can think of. And the best part is, you’ll always know what belongs to you. While I love my initialed ring, I think another piece of initialed jewelry would be a little overkill for me. At least an initial necklace will look better than the not-so-cute name necklaces that everyone tried to pull off years ago. Who knows, we might be saying the same thing about initial jewelry in 10 years. However, initial necklaces have become extremely popular in recent years, thanks to blogs, Etsy and Pinterest.

Etsy has all sorts of trendy and handmade crafts you can purchase. For example, you can buy 6 vintage rose gold diamond engagement rings on their site. Or maybe you want some cool art, or unique decor for your wedding. You can pretty much find it all at Etsy. According to Zacks, the site has 1 million active users and nearly 20 million buyers. With all those sellers, you should not have too much of a problem finding multiple options and price points for whatever your heart desires.
Thanks to the recent trend of initial necklaces, we decided to come up with our own list of Etsy shops to buy personalized necklaces with your initials, and where you can find them on Etsy. Obviously, we scoured Etsy’s sight to find sellers who specialize in and offer the necklaces. We also took a look at how many items the sellers have sold. Unfortunately, there’s no way to quantify how many initial necklaces each seller has sold.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy our list of Etsy shops to buy personalized necklaces with your initials. You never know, but you just might find your next piece of favorite jewelry or a cool gift for someone special.