If you got out of ideas for your next science project, don’t worry because we created a list of 10 easy biology science fair projects for high school students to help you.
There are several types of science projects you might think of doing. According to LiveScience, those are descriptive projects, collection projects, demonstration projects, engineering projects and experimentation projects. For our list of biology science fair projects, the experimental ones are predominant. Regarding experiments, if you are interested, you can also check what the 10 simple chemistry experiments with everyday materials.

While creating our list, we came across many interesting, easy biology fair projects for high school so, we will present some of them here. Our main resources were Education, All Science Fair Projects, and LiveScience, but we also used Julian’s Science Fair and Science Buddies for more ideas. Although some of them didn’t have a specified project difficulty, we have gone through many of them and picked the easy ones. Easy, meaning they involve a few people and short time, easily purchased items and materials, and just a few formulas and calculations in the project. Although botany experiments seemed to be the simplest regarding materials needed, we have also tried to cover as many biology fields as we could such as zoology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. Also, the criteria regarding education level, high school, in this case, was also taken from these resources.
Here are also some tips how to formulate your project chapters. Write an introduction or proposal, where you will explain what you will be doing in your experiment. Then note what your goal with the experiment is, and why you picked this particular problem. After that, you should explain your hypothesis. The hypothesis, in this case, is your assumption on what you are expecting to get out of your experiment. Then you should make a list of materials you used in the experiment, and write exactly how and what you did in the experiment, making sort of instructions transparently so anyone can repeat your experiment. And in the end, you should write the results, and provide additional information on references.
Don’t forget that formulating research question is the foremost and very important part of your project. An interesting hypothesis makes the project more valuable, and also unique ideas and fairly done experiment can lead you to excellent marks and awards. All right then, let’s jump on our list to see what are the easy biology science fair projects for high school students.
10. How do carnivorous plants digest insects?
Biology field: Botany
Well, this is a rather obscure question, and also a great biology school project. For it, you will need to purchase some carnivorous plants, some rhizobia and catch some live insects. After the experiment you will be able to answer some interesting questions, such as do nitrogen levels vary after plant’s diet, how does pH impact plant’s digestion and much more.

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9. Cell osmosis and diffusion in animal cells
Biology field: Zoology
This is a rather interesting experiment, using eggs and vinegar as main ingredients. In treating eggs differently, you will be able to examine the processes happening, whether osmosis and diffusion are happening.

eldar nurkovic/Shutterstock.com
8. How does different soil type affect plant growth?
Biology field: Botany
As the title says, it is pretty simple. You’ll need the same plant type for this experiment and several different soil types, in order to see which soil suits them the most by observing how the plants react to different soils. In this example, they are particularly using Pinto Bean as an experimental plant.

Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com
7. Effectiveness of antibacterial soap
Biology field: Molecular Biology
Are antibacterial soaps as effective as they claim they are? You can test that with this project, for which you’ll need to purchase, apart from the soap, petri dishes with blood agar and you own saliva.

6. Effects of fertilizer on plant growth
Biology field: Botany
In this project, you will be observing for some time (10 days recommended) how different amount of fertilizer is affecting plants. The hypothesis of this project could be whether too much or too little fertilizer will cause plant growth.

5. Shrimps and acidity
Biology field: Zoology, Environment
Among easy biology science, fair projects for high school students is shrimps and acidity. For this one, you will need to purchase shrimp eggs. When the shrimps’ hatch, divide them into separate tanks, change water acidity and observe how organisms react to it. Results of this project might show how pollution, or acid rains, in this case, are affecting the environment.

Pixabay/Public Domain
4. Problem of overpopulation on example of guppies
Biology field: Genetics, Zoology
If you have experience and interest in aquarium fish, then this project is perfect for you. The main goal of this project is to observe the effect of overpopulation in 3 differently populated environments (in this case 3 fish tanks).

3. How does microwave radiation affect organisms?
Biology field: Microbiology
All the materials you’ll need for this project that ranks third on the list of easy biology science fair projects for high school students can be purchased at the grocery store for a low price. The point of it is to show does the microwave radiation destroy all the life and how different radiation lengths are affecting different organisms.

Pixabay/Public Domain
2. Denaturing proteins
Biology field: Biochemistry
For this project, number 2 on the list of easy biology science fair projects for high school students, you will also need mostly kitchen items like eggs, powdered milk, aluminum foil, mixing bowl, but also your hair. So, what’s the point? This experiment has one goal, to see whether all proteins denature at the same temperature. For further explanations follow the link.

Melnikov Sergey/Shutterstock.com
1. Pavlovian conditioning in plants
Biology field: Botany
For this project, you will need to purchase or grow your own 20 mimosa plants. The point of this experiment is to show whether and how plants react to Pavlovian conditioning, the well-known behavior observed in animals. This is a very interesting project, and it is no wonder why it found its place among easy biology science fair projects for high school students.

Pixabay/Public Domain