If your dog has been eating grass, vomiting or experiencing diarrhea, you should check out our list of 10 easily digestible foods for dogs. Or, if you’re feeling a little queasy yourself, read the 8 Easily Digestible Foods to Soothe an Upset Stomach.
But dogs can make things a little more difficult. Something small may upset their stomach, and leave them churning for weeks. They won’t eat, and what they do eat doesn’t stay down. They’re dehydrated and gassy, and eating so much grass that will make you wonder if they’re turning into a cow. Basically, they’re a canine mess. But worst of all, you don’t know what to feed them. How can you ease Rover back into his regular eating routine without setting his stomach off again?

You can consult the 10 easily digestible foods for dogs with confidence. The foods below will be easily digested by your pup, and provide tasty nutrients for when he’s is feeling low. After all, every dog does have its day.
We searched trough the Internet and found a plethora of recommendations from various websites, like AllAboutDogFood, Petzine, OneGreenPlanet, and many more. We made sure to include a wide variety of easily digestible foods for your dog, from protein-rich lean meat to soft oats and broth. So tell your canine to get ready to feel his best. Nurse him back to his typical perky self by trying out our suggestions. He’ll be running after the neighbor’s cat again in no time.
But as a caution, as with all human foods, be sure to start in low doses, just in case your dog is allergic or reactant to something. Conditions like pregnancy, diabetes, and heart conditions should warrant even more caution, so be sure to consult your vet.