With April Fool’s Day right around the corner, we thought you’d like to find out the easiest pranks to do at home on your sister.
People have been tricking friends and family for ages, April Fool’s Day or not. Some people are just fun to trick. Especially your siblings. You won’t have to worry about their feelings being hurt. You won’t have to worry they’ll unfriend you. You won’t have to wonder if they’ll take it the right way. None of that matters. The only thing you will have to worry about is whether (or more accurately- when and how) they’ll get you back.
Siblings are automatically some of the most fun people to play tricks on. Only childs just don’t know what they’re missing. Isn’t it satisfying to know that you’ve foiled your sometimes very annoying sister one more time? They’re just especially fun to prank, so we’ve got you covered.

These are surefire, and most of them will work for friends, brothers, fathers or mothers as well, not just sisters.
No brainstorming through the entire month of March. No scrambling at the last minute to discover a good trick, either. You can perform at least one or more of the ones listed here, all with materials you most likely already have on hand.
It’s also always nice to have a few tricks up your sleeve for when your sister is really getting on your nerves. You’ve always got payback. Or, just save them for a rainy day when there’s nothing else to do.
We got our ideas from sites like Parenting, Huffington Post and BroBible, a wide range of trusted sources. So rest assured, these tricks are tried and true. (So are the tricks in 6 Easiest Coin Magic Tricks Ever for Kids, for that matter.)
We covered tricks for nearly every age and circumstance, so you should have no trouble performing them. Your success is inevitable.
We ranked our sly tricks by a number of materials needed to pull them off. And believe me, you probably already have them all. The tricks that require more materials are first on the list, up until the very last trick which requires absolutely nothing to complete! Talk about easy.
However, keep in mind that for these tricks to work properly, the conditions will have to be just right. You’ll have to be extra sly, especially if it’s April Fool’s Day when everyone who knows anything is watching their back.
We believe in you, though. So here goes- easiest pranks to do at home on your sister.
10. Serve her a solid breakfast.
materials needed:
-enough milk for 1 bowl of cereal
-1 bowl of cereal
-1 freezer
We are starting off our list of easiest pranks to do at home on your sister with the trick that works especially well if your sister is a child. The night before, pour your sister a nice bowl of cereal. And don’t worry- it won’t be soggy by the morning because it’ll be in the freezer all night. Though it’ll still look like a typical bowl of cereal the next morning, she’ll be in for a surprise when she grabs a spoon and dives in.

Tatyana Dzemileva/Shutterstock.com
9. Make her some lunch, too.
materials needed:
-1 sharpie
-1 sandwich of any variety
-1 sandwich bag
We are continuing our list of easiest pranks to do at home on your sister with prank number 9 – after making her a perfectly delicious sandwich and placing it in the bag, mark up the outside of the bag with a sharpie and smear it around a little. It’ll look just like a sandwich with some moldy bread. Scrumptious.
8. Make her an attention magnet.
materials needed:
-1 car (or vehicle of any sort)
-1 blank, relatively small bumper sticker
-1 sharpie
Write this on the bumper sticker with a sharpie: “Honk, wave and yell hi (insert name)!- she doesn’t know this is here- Happy April Fool’s Day!” Plaster the bumper sticker on the back of your sister’s car, and you’ll make her think she just dressed really cute that day.
7. Make her scream.
-black construction paper
-1 pair of scissors
-1 or more lamps with shades
Cut out shapes of terrifying insects (the kind with huge antennae and claws) with your black paper and subtly tape them to the inside of any lampshade your sister may turn on. If she’s anything like most females, your sister will let out a blood-curdling scream when she turns the lamp on and reveals her greatest fear.

Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock.com
6. Hand her a friendly tootsie roll.
materials needed:
-1 tootsie roll wrapper
-1 brown crayon (that looks like a tootsie roll)
When your sister isn’t watching, wrap a tootsie-roll-sized brown crayon tightly into an empty tootsie roll wrapper. (Be sure to take the crayon wrapper off first.) In a moment of supposed benevolence, hand it to your sister and watch her bite down on the waxy texture of a hard crayon. Easiest ever. We’re halfway through our list of easiest pranks to do at home on your sister, and now, let’s see the other half.

Luis Molinero/Shutterstock.com
5. Make her think everything is watching her.
-small amount of glue
-googly eyes and lots of
Glue these tiny eyes onto basically every item your sister will encounter on April Fool’s day, including her alarm clock, her toothbrush, her toothpaste and her computer. Not to mention everything inside the fridge. It’s a surefire, silly way to remind her of what a good prankster you are- all day long. We admit, this is a somewhat creepy trick on our list of easiest pranks to do at home on your sister.
4. Make her car go gaga.
materials needed:
-1 car (or vehicle of any sort)
Sneak into your sister’s car on March 31 after she gets home from work. Proceed to turn every setting to its highest capacity: the radio, the air conditioning, etc. (Just not anything that will kill the battery, unless you really want to get back at her.) Don’t forget to turn the mirrors completely around, move the seats into outrageous positions, and set the GPS to somewhere in the middle of the South Pacific. She’ll be in for a shock the next morning.

Copyright: lenanet / 123RF Stock Photo
3. Turn her world upside down.
materials needed:
-1 normal living space
On March 31, after your sister (and anyone else who may live with you) has gone to bed, go on a mission to turn everything you possibly can upside down (without waking everyone up). This includes picture frames, clocks, chairs, toys, books, wall art and anything else in sight. Your sister will have to do a double take when she wakes up the next day.
2. Make her head smash into her own food.
materials needed:
-2 plates of food of any variety
While you’re sitting at the table in front of your plates of food, suddenly look confused, bend your head down and sniff your food curiously, then look back at your sister and gesture for her to smell her own food. Just as she moves her head down to sniff, smash it directly into the center of her plate. The messier the food, the meaner the trick!
1. Wake her up and tell her she’s late.
materials needed:
Except for a sister who usually has to wake up at a certain time. Simply wake her up with a start and gasp, then tell her that it’s (insert amount of time here, depending on how mean you want to be) later than she’s really supposed to get up. She will automatically be incredibly alarmed and annoyed at herself for sleeping in too late. Then deliver to her the telltale phrase: April Fools! Hope you enjoyed our easiest pranks to do at home on your sister!

Copyright: lenetstan / 123RF Stock Photo