We bring you 10 easiest IoT projects for students that will amaze you with its simplicity.
IoT or Internet of Things is an advanced technology that is slowly starting to take over the world. Many industries now prefer IoT as it can be used for different applications. It is predicted that by the end of 2020, more than 50 billion devices will be connected with IoT. Pretty amazing, right? Speaking of billions, you may want to check out which are the 10 best Internet of Things stocks to buy right now.
It seems that the future is indeed now, as everyone is talking about how fascinating IoT is. But learning it may not be a piece of cake. It requires knowledge of coding and work, work, and some more work. In order to master the complex procedures of IoT, you must learn while you do it and that means lots and lots of projects. You can start with some simple IoT projects that you can easily find on the Internet or you can stick to our list of suitable IoT projects for beginners.

The definition of IoT states that the Internet of Things (IoT) is, “the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure.” So, IoT are actually embedded systems and smart objects connected to the Internet with unique IP address. Our mobile phones actually serve as a remote control for IoT devices. This extensive guide on Code Project can help you learn more about IoT. If you are interested in learning about IoT so that you can find your own projects and build IoT devices, there are plenty of online courses, both free and paid that you can choose from. If you have the basic knowledge and you are eager to improve, this 4-week course may be ideal for you. Upon completing the course, you will be able to do lots of things including define the impact of IoT on society, define what an embedded system is, describe interactions of embedded systems with the physical world, etc. You can find more information in the introductory part of the course where you will also see exactly what kind of things you will learn during the course.
When it comes to projects, finding an idea can be equally hard for some of the actual work. Be it a science fair project or a college one; it requires some time to think of a great idea that will get you a good grade. However, if you are looking for some project ideas for an upcoming science fair, we wrote about winning science fair projects for high school a while ago, so check it out.
We decided to find some great IoT ideas which are not too complex for beginners. The projects we selected for our list today include cheap projects with components easily found online (you can order them from eBay or AliExpress) and those projects with detailed step by step instructions. This is of utmost importance for beginners looking for some easy IoT project ideas. We searched through SimpleIOThings, Electronics Hub (on this website you can also find IoT projects for CSE students as well as IoT projects for ECE), and several other websites to find simple projects to inspire you. Check out our 10 easiest IoT projects for students.
10. Alarm Clock
If you are looking for IoT projects using Raspberry Pi, this is a great one. If your regular alarm clock isn’t enough, you can build a super cool alarm clock controlled via a phone app. It’s all possible thanks to Raspberry Pi, and you can even program different radio stations according to different alarms. To start the project, you need to flash an 8GB SD card. The rest of the details on this cool project can be found in the following instructions.

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