10 Easiest Instruments To Learn Late In Life

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5. Tambourine

There is no way we can recommend the easiest instruments for adults to play in later life without mentioning the tambourine. This is often a round instrument with metallic disks fixed into the sides to produce a small cymbal-like crashing sound when shaken vigorously. It is the easiest and simplest instrument to play because you play it by shaking or banging it. With one hand, hold the tambourine up and shake it in different ways to produce various sounds that could accompany all types of songs, especially choruses.

The tambourine will be easy for senior citizens to play because it does not need to be learned. Anyone can play it by shaking or banging it to accompany the song in progress at the time. Children can also play it by just shaking it to give a rich edge to songs and music. It can be played anywhere in the car, at the store, at churches, during concerts, and at home.

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