Senior citizens have lots of time on their hands. They are retired with little or nothing to do besides watching the TV and looking out the window. They pine for the days of their youth and their years of service. And most often than not, they wish to do those things which they were not able to do in their active years, like playing musical instruments. The easiest instruments to learn late in life are suitable for seniors aged 55 and above, and they constitute the best instrument to learn at 60.
These instruments will not only keep seniors busy at home, but they will also boost their physical and mental health. These easiest instruments to learn on your own can in some respects be categorized as easiest to hardest instruments to learn, but they are suitable for all classes of learners, especially aged folks. Learning to play an instrument at an older age is exciting and delightful, and it is inspirational to watch senior citizens play musical instruments.
The easiest musical instruments to learn for seniors can also be the easiest instrument to learn for a child. However, there is a methodology applied in ranking learnable instruments for seniors as easy and simple. Let’s examine this methodology below:
Methodology for Ranking Instruments for Seniors in Our Review
We adopted a methodology for ranking the easiest instruments for seniors since this would enable adopters to make informed choices. We reviewed numerous music teaching websites and spoke to many instrument tutors as well as professional music students to arrive at our listing, and many of our analysts agree as to the inclusion of the instruments contained in this list. They do not all agree to the order in which they are listed from 10 to 1, but they agree on their inclusion in this list.

A website like LiveAbout even justified why these musical instruments are suitable for seniors to learn and listed factors such as ease of play without physical exertions, cheapness and affordability to purchase, chances of finding a tutor to teach the instruments, the convenience of playing anywhere – in the patio, bedroom, sitting-room, backyard, truck, etc., short time for mastery – from 2-6 weeks, and completeness for stand-alone without the need for accessories.
We also took cognizance of the challenges associated with learning an instrument in old age as revealed in a research paper published in the journal of social and behavioral sciences and even reviewed tips from the London Sound Academy. All our sources and professional reviewers agree that this list would be helpful to old people desirous of learning musical tools in the easiest and fastest as well as the most enjoyable fashion.
Here then are our best picks of the 10 easiest instruments to learn late in life and why they made it into our review:
10. Recorder
The recorder is a tube-like wind instrument with eight hollow holes where fingers can be placed or lifted to produce desired sounds, and it comes with a mouthpiece into which air is blown. It is considered the simplest and most basic woodwind instrument to play; and this is largely because children in most primary schools learn to play the recorder from infancy. It is very cheap and can fit into one’s pocket and bag with ease, considering that it can be taken apart into two pieces.
Senior citizens can learn to play the recorder by simply coordinating their fingers and breathing on the instrument. They only need to blow differently into the instrument and harmonize their fingers to produce various melodies. Adults can learn or play the recorder seated on their porch, at their backyard, in their living-rooms, and even while perched on a tree-branch. The ability to play the recorder correctly by many primary pupils is self-taught, and older adults can do the same.