10 Easiest Illegal Drugs that are Made at Home Using Legal Substances

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1 – Mescaline

Ease of making score – 2

Mescaline is the easiest illegal drug that can be made at home using legal substances. The only ingredient it requires is peyote cactus. It is a hallucinogenic drug that has been used for thousands of years. The drug causes an altered state of consciousness, which some people describe as ‘happy’ and ‘enjoyable’. In addition, it causes extreme visual distortions and in some cases, auditory hallucinations. However, in the short term, it may also cause vomiting, headaches, and anxiety. Some people also complain of diarrhea. Like other hallucinogens, mescaline use contains the risk of self-harm and hurting others. Although mescaline is not considered to be addictive, regular users develop tolerance and may need to take higher dosages to achieve the same effects. It should also be noted that mescaline is a class A drug. So, it is illegal to possess, give away, and sell the drug. A person possessing this drug can get up to seven years in jail and an unlimited fine. In addition, supplying the drug to someone else, even friends, can make up to a lifetime in prison. 

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Disclosure: none. 10 Easiest Illegal Drugs that are Made at Home Using Legal Substances is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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