10 Easiest Hip Hop Dance Moves and Steps to Learn for Beginners

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1. Step touch

If you can’t get this step down, you’re better off just sitting on the couch. However, we think anyone can do it, because it’s just that simple. What you’ll want to do is step with your left foot to the side, making sure to follow the song’s rhythm. Then, you’ll bring your right foot close. You’ll then move your right foot back, and follow with the left foot, making sure your shoes are touching. You’ll have to add a bit of a bounce, bending your knees a bit, to make sure you’re following the music.

Then, you’ll just repeat this step over and over and it will help you through pretty much any dance night and any song. Once you learn all these steps, you can try to become more adventurous and mix things up a bit.

That being said, these have been the easiest hip hop dance moves and steps to learn for beginners.

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