10. Burbot
Look! Down in the water! It’s an eel! It’s a catfish! No, it’s a… burbot? If you plan on trying to catch one, you better plan to in the near future, before you miss your chance. Although they are one of the most widely distributed types of fish around the entire world, finding them in rivers, lakes, bays, and ponds may some day become next to impossible. Why, you ask? Burbot are relentless predator fish that will go after anything, even other fish as big as they are! This causes them to be viewed as nuisance fish. In fact, they can be so much of a nuisance that in places like the United Kingdom they are becoming extinct due to laws that they have stating that if you catch a burbot—you are to kill it! But in other parts of the world where there is no law on this (particularly North America and Europe) they can be quite common in many bodies of water. And, unfortunately for them, catching them doesn’t come very hard, since they have such a vast diet. Aside from them eating other fish, they tend to go after most lures (especially the larger ones) and have been known to go after snakes, frogs and even birds! Not only are they quick to bite, but having an odd fin-to-body-size ratio makes them weak fighters when hooked and will tire easier than your average fish. Let’s see what we can catch next on our list of easiest fish to catch.

Andrey Burmakin/Shutterstock.com