2. Bluegills
As one of North America’s most popular panfish, it’s a good thing our number two on the list of easiest fish to catch are so favored among anglers because bluegills are highly susceptible to overpopulation. This is why the limit to bagging bluegills is consistently greater than the average limit of most fish. It is thought that if you don’t keep them once caught, they will overrun the pond, lake, or bay you are fishing them out of in no time (if they haven’t already). This is the fish your kiddos will be reeling in no matter if you are fishing in North America, parts of Mexico, even Europe and South Africa are known to have bluegill. And where there are bluegill, you’ll be catching them! They might not be your first choice, as they are a smaller fish, but at least you’re catching something. You can trick them with your jigs all day long, and they will be none the wiser, but understanding that they typically eat water insects and even resort to eating their own eggs when food is scarce is also good to know.