Whether or not you’re an amateur fisherman, you could still learn a thing or two about the 10 easiest fish to catch. It may seem a little far-fetched to think of yourself in a survival situation, but even with no experience or absolutely no interest in fishing a little bit of knowledge could go a long way. But let’s not get too into the apocalyptic scenario. Perhaps you’re just looking for a change from a value meal at one of the 10 Biggest Fast Food Chains in the World, or maybe fast food isn’t your thing. Maybe you’re looking for something different to do with the kids, friends, your lover… family? OK, I didn’t want to bring this up, but maybe you’re just flat broke and don’t know how you’re going to manage until payday. Whatever the reason may be to take up fishing, rest-assured it can and will come in handy one way or another. Not only can you literally catch tonight’s dinner for free, but fishing can be both a relaxing hobby and an exhilarating thrill-ride! It all depends on the fish. No, really. If you haven’t already guessed by the title, some fish are going to be harder to catch than others and in this particular article, I am going to share with you the 10 easiest fish to catch.
No, I’m not a pro fisherman (or fisherwoman in this case), but you don’t have to be to reel in any of these fishies. I’ve been fishing my entire life, and even as a small child I have caught many of the fish on this list (some even without a fishing rod… or bait!) without the help of a grown-up. So, if I haven’t already mentioned, fishing is a great way to have fun and bond with the kiddos in your life! Whoever you go with, one of you is sure to catch at least one of the fish on this list… unless nobody catches anything, which isn’t as fun, but still fun.

Peter Zachar/Shutterstock.com
Before I start to ramble (as I am known to do), I’ll quickly explain the factors that went into developing this list of easiest fish to catch. First and foremost, all of these fish are easy catches. I mean, duh! But I thought a little more about the likelihood of folks not just in my area going fishing and realized that just because I have no trouble catching something doesn’t necessarily mean that Joe Schmo in a different part of the country will ever get the opportunity to catch that particular fish. So, I also looked for fish that are found in different regions.
Now, taking that into consideration, I thought about the bodies of water in those particular regions. Some fish you can only find in saltwater, some in bays, lakes, or rivers. Excluding saltwater fish altogether (since not everyone gets the opportunity to fish in the ocean), I picked easiest fish to catch that inhabit more than just one specific body of water, which would in turn, make the odds of one catching them greater than a fish that are limited to just dwelling in say—a river.
Lastly, it came to mind that some fish prefer to eat certain things. You can only catch them using certain bait or lures. I’m sure you see where I’m going with this. So, I’ve established that all these easy catches are going to be able to be found not only in more than one region, but multiple bodies of water as well, and they’re not going to be picky eaters. They may not particularly be the most abundant or the least picky, but all of these things in conjunction with each other are what I used to make up the 10 easiest fish to catch. And luckily, I found a nifty site (takemefishing.org) that listed all of these points to use as a base for my research.