3. Avocado
Serving size: 100 g
Total fiber in grams: 6.7
Health Benefits:
Among many interesting and important facts about health benefits of avocado, which ranks 3rd on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest, one is standing out as little known. Even though bananas are considered as the prime source of potassium, avocado actually contains more of it. What is more important, potassium is a mineral most of us do not take in the necessary amounts. It helps us against heart, blood pressure, and kidney problems. Second but not less important is that avocado is full of antioxidants important for fighting against many diseases and aging of cells. They contain 20 different vitamins and minerals, a significant amount of fibers and healthy fats, but not even a whit of cholesterol.
That’s why eating avocados is good if you have cholesterol and triglyceride problems. Avocado have one more very special ability. When added to other vegetables, in raw or oil form, it increases the absorption of nutrients from the vegetables it is eaten with.