1. Almonds
Serving size: 100 g
Total fiber in grams: 12.5
Health Benefits:
The king of them all, almonds, are considered as one of the first among the nuts that man began to cultivate. In addition to being very nutritious, they are the favorite healthy snack on the planet. Although nuts are not considered as easily digestible foods, almonds are an exception. When in comes to the benefits of eating almonds here are some:
Only 25 almonds will satisfy 12% of your daily protein needs. They are also a rich source of vitamin E, B vitamins and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
Almonds which rank first on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest, are among the best sources of one form of vitamin E that our body most easily absorbs. The benefit of vitamin E and its antioxidant properties is the protection of heart’s health and prevention of skin damage caused by the sun. Because of these vitamin E amounts, almonds are considered as “food for the brain”, as you may know, this vitamin prevents mental deterioration, improves concentration and saves memory in the long run.
And this is not all.
Almonds also contain vitamin B2, which helps the body convert food into energy and contributes to healthy skin, eyes, and liver.
Almonds can be eaten raw or cooked. They can be added to salads and other dishes. It is best to eat them on an empty stomach in order to ensure the best possible absorption of their nutrients. And not to forget, like all other nuts, almonds are good for high cholesterol problems as well.
By eating any food from our 10 easiest fiber foods to digest you are not only going to do much for your appearance but most importantly for your long-term health and vitality.
Bon appetite!