10 Easiest Female Celebrities to Impersonate

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2. Kim Kardashian

I bet no one is surprised by finding Kim K on this list of easiest female celebrities to impersonate, and that’s because an alarmingly big part of American women imitate her already. This is funny/sad, since she doesn’t really have any special talents (other than having a hot, surgically enhanced body). However, if you consider achieving fame just for being rich a talent, then she’s the most talented person ever to live, and from a talented family, too. Having starred in a reality TV show for too many years, all of her audience has managed to capture her essence. Here’s our advice:

Kim’s tone of voice and lack of expression (the previously mentioned RBF are the most important things to assimilate. She speaks in a soft, girly voice like she’s trying really hard to be nice, even when she’s being a total shrew, which is often. Always sound self-centered, diss on other people as much as you can, and try to include the words “like” and “y’ know” in every sentence you use, and it is also convenient to extend the last syllables of some words (“I’m the victeeem!”).

10 Easiest Female Celebrities to Impersonate

Press Line Photos / Shutterstock.com

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