10 Easiest Famous Paintings to Recreate for Beginners

8. The Tree of Life


There are various interpretations of The Tree of Life painting by Gustav Klimt. At first sight, you can see a tree with swirling branches but if you look deeper, there is more than just a tree. Some say it is a connection that extends to heaven, earth, and the underworld. However you want to interpret the painting, you will be highly encouraged to look thoroughly, admire, and look within you the true meaning of The Tree of Life.

7. Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies


The painting, “Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies” is inspired from Claude Monet’s very own pond near his property in Giverny. The footbridge he installed is a Japanese-style footbridge. Monet realized how magnificent his pond was which immediately became his subject of the masterpiece, leading to a series of paintings that focus on his water lily garden which includes this popular Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies. Let’s see what’s next on our list of  easiest famous paintings to recreate for beginners.