Today we give you the list of 10 Easiest Dogs To Train And Take Care Of, to help you decide which dog to get. Dogs bring joy and happiness in life. They are great to have; joyful, happy, and an ultimate friend you can have. Even though, many people rush with the decision based on the looks, without getting to know the pooch they fell in love with at the first sight. A dog is not just a toy, or household decoration. A dog needs care, and they bring responsibilities in life.

Ksenia Raykova/
Rushing with decision brings problems when you’re getting something that you and your family can’t take care of. Look at the list of 11 biggest guard dogs in the world for example; those dogs definitely aren’t suitable for smaller apartments or interior surroundings. A dog has to be fed, groomed, and trained to stay in good shape, and have a great life as your pet. Training can be easy or hard, and you need to know which breed to take before you rush with the conclusion and decision. That’s where our list will help you today. To rank the breeds, we considered their behavior, ease of train, and the amount of care they need.
Let’s see which dogs are easiest to train and take care of.
10. Japanese Chin
Small and cute breed of Japanese Chin came to Europe in 1800’s. This dog is smart and has a mild temper. The Chin is friendly, and gets along well with almost everyone: other animals, children, and strangers. Because of its short muzzle, they aren’t suitable for exercise and it’s recommended to walk them only occasionally. Because of its coat, which needs moderate attention and grooming, Chin takes 10th place on our list.

Marcel Jancovic/