7. M81 – Bode’s Galaxy
12 million light years
Magnitude 6.94
The spiral galaxy lies in the constellation Ursa Major. Owing to its large size, active galactic nucleus and brightness, the galaxy is quite easy to see even for amateurs. To find it go 10° northwest of Alpha Ursae Majoris.
6. Albireo
380 lightyears
Albireo A (amber, apparent magnitude 3.1), and Albireo B (blue-green, apparent magnitude 5.1)
Albireo is the fifth brightest star in the Cygnus constellation. Even though to the naked eye it might appear as a single star, through an amateur telescope it can be distinctly identified as a double star. It makes for the best contrasting double star due to the difference in their colors.
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Disclosure: 10 Easiest Deep Sky Objects To See With Small Telescopes is originally published on Insider Monkey.