Lists 10 Easiest Countries to Buy a House in The World Published on May 5, 2017 at 11:04 am by Amber Hewitt in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 11Next >>See All 10. Yemen Price per square meter in cities: $502.76Price per square meter outside cities: $391.20javarman/Shutterstock.ocm Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 11Next >>See All SlideshowList XFinancebuying a house in Cubabuying a house in Laosbuying a house in Yemenbuying a house in Kenyabuying a house in Bruneibuying a house in Grenadabuying a house in Lesothobuying a house in Namibiahaving houses in the worldwhere to buy a cheap housebuying a house in Tanzaniabuying a house in Surinameliving in foreign countriescheapest houses in the worldcheapest countries to buy a houseprice of real estates in the worldthe world's easiest countreis to buy a house10 easiest countries to buy a house in the worldShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles6 Best Mother-Daughter Classes in NYC15 Easiest Ways to Gain Weight Fast For Skinny People10 Most Advanced Countries in Education10 Easiest Gin Drinks for Summer7 Easiest Genres to Get Published5 Couples Italian Cooking Classes in NYC