In the time when the practice of law is one of the most in-demand professions worldwide, our list of 10 easiest countries to become a lawyer could be very interesting and helpful if you are thinking about becoming one. If that’s the case, you should note that every legal state has its own legal system. Moreover, if you are a U.S. citizen who is wondering if practicing law in another country is possible, the answer is yes. Of course, there are many rules.
Throughout the history of mankind, there were always those who were breaking and those defending the law, so practicing of law has been changing with time. The jury and judges have big responsibilities, and sometimes it can be hard to do a right thing, especially in cases when offendant is known to be guilty, but he/she has to be released due to the lack of evidence. Although lawyers do their jobs for salary, it definitely isn’t easy to balance between professional needs and moral ethics. Of course, there are various fields of law where lawyers can show their knowledge and competence, and some of them are well paid. If you are curious which field brings the best paycheck check out 7 Types of Lawyers that Make the Most Money or 10 Best Fields of Law to Practise. Also, the list of the countries where you can find the most paying lawyers can be useful as well. Moreover, those are probably the countries where lawyers are in demand.

Adam Gregor/
It is very hard to define an “easy way” (if there even is such a thing) for becoming a lawyer. Despite the fact that each country has different requirements, anyone who wants to become a lawyer needs to pass the Bar Exam, in Europe as well as in rest of world. Speaking of Europe, some of the easiest countries to become a doctor are on this continent, as well. These countries have more relaxed criteria for getting in a medical school, than the U.S. But, to get back to law, in France, for example, pupils first must earn master’s degree in French law, and only then can they pass the Bar Exam. After that, they have to go to the law school for another 6 months. Finally, they have to finish the one-year internship (6 months anywhere in France and 6 months in the law firm). On the other hand, in China, after a three-year law program at University, one needs at least two years of experience working in the legal field before taking an examination and getting a lawyer’s license to practice law. There are many requirements to practice law in Mexico as well. So if you want to know how to become a lawyer in Mexico, the first step is getting a degree in law at University. Usually, the competition of law school takes four to five years. To obtain a license for practicing law in this country, a student has to produce a thesis or to pass a final oral or written exam as well as to perform social service tasks voluntarily. The thing is that they do not have to be registered in the National Registry of Professionals. However, if they want to charge for their work, this is a must.
We decided to make our list based on different sources regarding the number of lawyers per capita in countries worldwide. The general idea was – the more lawyers per capita a country has, the easier is to become a lawyer in that country. Additionally, we searched for a minimum number of years as well as requirements needed for finishing a law school and obtaining a license to practice law in each country, as you will see in the list below. After comparing obtained data, we created our list of 10 easiest countries to become a lawyer.
10. Bulgaria
1 lawyer for every 570 people
We are starting off with Bulgaria, where the person must complete five years of law school and then to pass three state exams. After that, students can choose if they want to become lawyers, judges, prosecutors or notaries.
