10 Easiest Countries to Adopt from Foster Care

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9. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan’s adoption program is one of the fastest growing in the world. It began in 1998. Children are available from infants to teenagers. The country doesn’t have a “wait child” program and children are given to parents based on home study reviews. In order to be adopted, children must have been registered with the Ministry of Education for at least three months.

The adoption advantage is given to married couples with no more than two divorces previously and no history of arrest. Single mothers can apply as well. Mothers must not be more than 45 years older than the child. Opportunity for adoption is given to families with no more than three children. Both parents must go to Kazakhstan at least twice in a four-to-five week period before the process is done and it takes less than two years.

10 Easiest Countries to Adopt from Foster Care

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