10 Easiest Cities in Europe to Move to

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5. Stockholm

Score: 44 points;

Ranking on BI’s list of the most livable cities: #10 (15 points);

Ranking on the Transfer Wise’s list of the cheapest European cities for expats: not on the list (0 points);

Ranking on the Price of Travel’s list of cheapest European cities and airports to fly into 2017:  #1 (23 points);

Average daily rent for a studio apartment on Airbnb: $93 (2 points);

Average unemployment rate in Sweden: 6.9% (4 points);

Most Stockholm residents have small cottages outside of the city, where they spend their weekends and enjoy incredible Scandinavian nature. If you want to move to one of the best European cities regarding the quality of living, you will need to cope with expensive rent, utilities and groceries cost and harsh climate. Other than that Stockholm is an expats’ paradise with many high paid jobs, great connection to all major European and US cities and a very high living standard. That is why we added the Sweden’s capital to our list of the easiest cities in Europe to move to.

10 Easiest Cities in Europe to Move to

Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock

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