7. Brussels
Score: 39 points;
Ranking on BI’s list of the most livable cities: #13 (12 points);
Ranking on the Transfer Wise’s list of the cheapest European cities for expats: not on the list (0 points);
Ranking on the Price of Travel’s list of cheapest European cities and airports to fly into 2017: #8 (16 points);
Average daily rent for a studio apartment on Airbnb: $62 (8 points);
Average unemployment rate in Belgium: 7.8% (3 points);
The capital city of Belgium, next up on the list of easiest cities in Europe to move to hosts some of the most important NATO, EU and UN institutions. Many expats who live here, take some of the highest positions in these institutions and earn three figure salaries and great benefit plans. When it comes to renting apartments, Brussels is much more affordable than most other cities on our list, and it is the place where you will enjoy the best fried potatoes, chocolates and the famous Belgium beer.

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