10. Athens
Score: 34 points;
Ranking on BI’s list of the most livable cities: not ranked (0 points);
Ranking on the Transfer Wise’s list of the cheapest European cities for expats: #5 (12 points);
Ranking on the Price of Travel’s list of cheapest European cities and airports to fly into 2017: #9 (12 points);
Average daily rent for a studio apartment on Airbnb: $48 (9 points);
Average unemployment rate in Greece: 23.6% (1 point);
Athens is one of the oldest and the busiest cities in Europe. It has the best climate out of all ranked places, but it lacks good job opportunities. The recent crisis left severe consequences on the Greek economy and has drastically increased the unemployment rate. Athens is still great if you want to earn your money online, and enjoy affordable living and the tastiest tomatoes, cheeses and olive oil in Europe. Now, let’s see what’s next on our list of easiest cities in Europe to move to.

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