5. Pulmonary diseases
Hours above family practice: 425
Despite the fact that pulmonary doctors work 425 hours more than family physicians, taking the 5th place among 10 doctors and specialists who work the longest hours, they report experiencing the lowest level of burnout among doctors on this list. They estimate their burnout at 4.31 on the scale 1 to 7. However, the majority of them thinks that they are not fairly compensated for the work they perform. Less than a half of doctors working in pulmonary medicine are satisfied with the salary which averages $281,000 per year. Finally, it should be noted that with 16% of female doctors pulmonary medicine is the specialty with the second lowest percent of women among listed fields. Also, pulmonary medicine is the only specialty in which more than a half of doctors who participated in Medscape survey reported being overweight.
