9. Neurological surgery
Hours above family practice: 270
We are continuing our list of doctors and specialists who work the longest hours with neurological surgeons who work 270 more than their colleagues in family practice. Neurological surgery is also one of the highest paying specialties. According to Neurosurgery market watch it has recorded salary growth over past few years. Different organizations that track income growth in medicine report the increase in varying degrees. For instance, NERVES estimated that neurosurgeons’ salary increased by 3.2% reaching a median wage of $692,000. Surgeons employed in hospitals are best compensated with a median wage of almost $800,000 while their colleagues who work for physicians-owned practices can expect a median salary of $706, 740. There are 3,500 neurosurgeons working in the USA, which means that one surgeon serves the population of 85,542 people.
