1. Vascular surgery
Hours above family practice: 888
Vascular surgeons occupy the first place on the list of 10 doctors and specialists who work the longest hours. These doctors spent 888 more hours in the workplace compared to family physicians per year. According to Doximity, they can count on an average annual salary of $428,080, which is fifth highest income among included specialties. There are around 3,000 vascular surgeons practicing in the US. Some projections estimate that there will be a shortage of these physicians in the future – around 400 vascular surgeons will lack by 2030. Given the workload they face, it is not a surprise that vascular surgeons experience high levels of burnout and that they belong to the group of doctors who are least satisfied with their career – more than a third would become a surgeon again while 54% would not recommend medicine to their children.
