Our dating tips for introverted guys will not turn you into Barney Stinson, but it will make the dating game lot easier.
Dating is hard for the majority of people. Situations where things magically fall into place are just something that Hollywood movies made up. You need to make a genuine effort and be prepared to fail before you succeed. Even people, who are not introverts, sometimes give up on dating. For introverts, I guess things are even worse. Online dating websites and apps have made things a bit easier, but still, there is a long way ahead. In case you don’t know where to start in terms of online dating, check out our list of 6 Dating Sites for Introverts to Find Partners.

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Let’s be honest, girls have it easier in the dating world than men. Even if a girl is shy or/and introvert, there are still guys who will make the advance and ease the transition. Men approach girls first, they message them on social media and dating sites, so girls have half of the work already done for them. For an introvert man, the struggle is real. The overall suggestions are that you get comfortable with the idea of dating. You have to be willing to date because you want so, not because it is expected from you to find a partner. Also, you need to set some ground rules and boundaries with yourself and know how far you are willing to go. Most importantly, be open to your potential dates about what suits you and what not. Only this way you can find success in the dating world.
In order to create our list of dating tips for introverted guys, we looked for recommendations from numerous sources including Bustle, Ask Men and The Talko. We focused both on the overall tips for introverted persons and those aimed specifically at men. The tips that appeared on multiple lists entered ours. Let’s check it out and make your dating life easier.