You’ll find almost no trace of drugs in these 10 countries with the toughest drug laws in the world. Though many would agree that there are crimes much worse than possession of drugs, it still remains as one of the big problems in a lot of countries. Drugs can cause a severe case of addiction which can lead to abuse, crime and death. Because of this a lot of countries have become vigilant and in some cases extremely strict when it comes to drugs. Drug users and pushers should be wary of ever encountering these countries as it may be the last one they visit.
The world has seen its share of addictive substances over the years. There have even been wars and political disagreements because of drugs. Whatever the case, there is no justifying the negative effects that a drug can do to people. The worst types of drugs are listed here in The 10 Most Addictive Drugs in the World. It is especially difficult for an addicted person to rehabilitate and get back on his/her feet. Many psychiatrists and doctors testify to how a lot of patients are eventually caught up in temptation again.
The countries listed here are known for their strict laws not just on drugs. These countries use imprisonment, torture and even execution for any drug offenders. They are also ranked based on the severity of the punishment one can receive. No person is safe even if he/she is a foreigner visiting the country. Let’s find out more as we go through these 10 countries with the toughest drug laws in the world.
10. Sweden
Sweden has been on the receiving end of some drug law backlashes in the last few years. After decriminalizing methamphetamines, addiction cases soared in a span of just two years. This led to the country banning all forms of drugs and police have been given authority to search, catch and punish drug users.

Oleksiy Mark/
9. Japan
Japan’s laws are also very strict, as they have a specific list of banned drugs whether it’s production or use. Drugs that are known to cause serious addiction are illegal. The country has zero tolerance for any type of drug and you can even get randomly tested if you’re ever in a bar. Before visiting the country you should be aware of what types of drugs are illegal in the country as some prescription meds are also included in the ban list.

Sean Pavone/
8. The United Arab Emirates
The UAE has been known to be a country that has strict laws especially when it pertains to traditions and religion. For drugs even more so as any trace of a drug is said to be illegal in the country. Anyone that has a hand on drugs is subject to punishment whether you’re involved in smuggling, using, selling or production.
7. Indonesia
Any person caught using drugs in the country will be imprisoned for 10-15 years. It doesn’t even matter if you’re foreign or a local. For drug pushers they are often given the capital punishment and the worst thing pushers and offenders can get is the maximum penalty which is a death sentence via firing squad.
6. China
China is one of the scariest places to commit any form of crime, especially drug use and abuse. China has been known as one of the countries that do executions the most and many believe that the numbers they release aren’t even close to the actual number. Getting caught here can mean either long term imprisonment or execution.
The most dangerous countries for drug dealers and addicts are found in the remainder of this list of 10 countries with the toughest drug laws in the world.
5. Malaysia
Like its strict neighbor Singapore, Malaysia also has zero tolerance when it comes to drugs. Just a little amount caught on you can entitle you to becoming a trafficker and getting hefty fines. This along with long term imprisonment in overcrowded prisons with bad conditions can be really bad for anyone.
4. Singapore
For a country like Singapore, discipline is regarded highly as what is considered petty crimes in other countries are serious ones in Singapore. They’ve caught hundreds of offenders from locals to foreigners and are known to imprison without remorse. Singapore has been known to use caning even in modern times though a lot of it remains rumors.
3. Vietnam
Though Vietnam doesn’t necessarily give you prison sentences or executions when caught, they do bring you to a much harsher level of punishment. Guilty offenders are forced to go to rehabilitation centers that are notorious for violation of human rights. It is likely that offenders will experience, torture, forced labor and harsh conditions in these centers.
2. Saudi Arabia
Aside from the common imprisonments, drug pushers may find themselves in the same spot as rapists and murderers in Saudi Arabia. The punishment is often public flogging and at the worst case, public beheading.
1. Iran
Anyone who has survived punishment in Iran has a lot to regret about. The country has caught thousands of traffickers in the past which is a testament to how strict they are when it comes to drugs. A little amount can lead to a minimum of 70 lashes.
This has been the list of 10 countries with the toughest drug laws in the world. To avoid any problems just don’t do drug in the first place.