What are the countries with the highest suicide rates in the World? There are many different things that can drive a man to suicide. All of these things have one common factor. Depression or more accurately the loss of will to live is the main cause of suicides around the world. However, the things that may bring this emotion out may be different depending on the situation or the culture of the country the person is residing in. For example suicides in some countries are caused by high social pressure and standards.
For this list, we take into account the suicide rates for both men and women and bring them to an average. This average is then compared with other rates from around the world. For a more localized list, we also have The 10 Most Suicidal Cities in America. What countries do you think have the most suicides?
Whatever the case, suicide is generally shunned by society. Even from multiple standpoints there is nothing positive you can gain from committing suicide. Making your own life a payment for the wrongs done to you isn’t dealing with a problem. That’s just giving up on a larger scale. Sometimes suicidal people tunnel their vision and thoughts into the act and forget to see the bigger picture. Let’s go ahead and see what the first country is on this list:
10. Ukraine
Suicide is the leading cause of death in the Ukrainian army. Many soldiers are driven to suicide because they cannot cope with the mental and emotional demands of serving in the army. People in the army also have a difficulty adapting to the environment during and after a war.

9. Belarus
The number of suicide victims in Belarus even out-scales the number of road accidents. According to statistics, men have a higher chance of committing suicide and it is more likely to happen in the rural areas of the country. Alcohol is also a large factor in suicides as it eliminates the inhibition that could prevent the act.

Piotr Marcinski/Shutterstock.com
8. Hungary
Divorced or widowed men are most likely to commit suicide in Hungary. Like Belarus, alcohol is also a significant factor of their suicide rate. The unemployment rate and high number of tobacco smokers in the country also correlates with the number of suicides.
7. Japan
Japan has been widely-known to have a significantly high suicide rate. Though this rate has decreased in the last few years, a lot of the main causes of suicide in the country are unemployment and social pressure. The rate may also relate to the historical tradition of Japanese Samurai committing suicide when one is dishonored.
6. Slovenia
Suicide is still one of the big problems surrounding the country of Slovenia. The country’s stigma to the matter prevents them from resolving the issue faster. Many researchers argue that both genetics and social pressures have a hand in the high number of suicides.
Countries with even higher suicide rates are yet to be listed. Let’s continue this list of the 10 countries with the highest suicide rates.
5. Kazakhstan
The rate of suicide in Kazakhstan is so high that it makes up for almost 4% of the total suicides around the world annually. The big issue in the country is the high rate of suicides among teenagers and young kids. According to studies a few of the leading causes of suicides here is bullying and the lack of values normally found at home.
4. Guyana
Guyana’s suicide rate is also something that’s consistently high. People often commit suicide here by ingesting agricultural pesticide. The country has been plagued by mass suicide events. One to note is the suicide of 909 people who were members of a cult.
3. South Korea
Koreans are often the center of news in other countries when it comes to suicides. There have known to be multiple issues for the cause. Many speculate that it’s the culture of the people themselves that may be driving people to commit the act. In contrast to other countries, the older generations in South Korea have a higher tendency of committing suicide.
2. Lithuania
Two of the main causes of suicides in Lithuania are the consistent financial and social problems the country undergoes. The problem can actually be traced back from the economic downfall of Russia during the 1990s. This event significantly affected Lithuania. Over 1500 people in the country commit suicide annually.
1. Greenland
Suicide is so common in Greenland that 1 out of every 5 people has admitted to have at least tried committing the act once in their life. This is the only country in the world where you’ll find constant posters encouraging people in an effort to prevent suicide. The increase came around the 1990s when there was a reported average of one suicide per week.
There you have it the list of the 10 countries with the highest suicide rates. It is never too late to try and change those numbers through the actions of individuals and the government.