The literacy and educational attainment of these 10 countries with the highest high school graduation rates are among the best. Despite the importance of education, it’s difficult for some countries to have all the resources for the education the people need. Poverty and choice also come as a factor as not all people seem to be inclined to finish even a high school. The high graduation rate among the countries in this list is a good indication of how solid their educational system is. You might even notice that a lot of these countries offer free education or require their citizens to finish that level at the very least.
The more high school graduates, the more people have a chance of attaining a college level education as well. You may even notice that some of the countries in this list are included in The 14 Most Educated Countries in the World. In most countries, education is very important because it gives you the credentials to work and have a career one aspires for. Most won’t even get quality work if they don’t finish their education.
This list is ranked based on how much of the population has at least attained high school graduation status. This also takes into account first-time graduates. This list does not take into account the age group that is still studying high school or not even at that level yet. Let’s learn more as we explore these 10 countries with the highest high school graduation rates:
10. Iceland
Graduation Rate: 89%
One of the main reasons for the high graduation rate in Iceland is due to education being mandatory from ages 6-16. Most of the educational facilities at that age level are funded by the state and you’ll rarely find any private schools in the country. Their educational system is similar to that of most Nordic countries.
9. Switzerland
Graduation Rate: 90%
The education system in Switzerland is very diverse. Even at a young age, children are already separated into groups depending on their abilities and aspirations. Primary schools are free, so as most public schools in the area which is good for those who want to pursue an education without much money. Switzerland education is considered as one of the best in the world.
8. New Zealand
Graduation Rate: 90%
Education in New Zealand consists of a three-tier model that includes primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Education is considered to be one of the best in the world with New Zealand constantly ranking high in areas like science and math. Primary and secondary school education is free from the ages 5-19.
7. Norway
Graduation Rate: 91%
Much like Iceland, education in Norway is mandatory from ages 6-16. The Norway school year is divided into two terms. They also have two levels of secondary school with one entering lower secondary school at ages 13-16 before entering upper secondary school.
6. Ireland
Graduation Rate: 91%
Education in Ireland is also mandatory from ages 6-16 and students must finish at least three years of secondary school. Secondary schools in the country are privately funded and managed and there are also different types of education after primary school.
The highest graduation rates are found in the second half of this list of 10 countries with the highest high school graduation rates.
5. United Kingdom
Graduation Rate: 92%
The educational system in the United Kingdom is complex as different governments handle different parts of the kingdom. The standards and requirements are also different for each of them. Despite this education seems to be going well in the country with a very high graduation rate.
4. Japan
Graduation Rate: 95%
There are four levels of education in Japan, primary, middle, high and then university. Education is only mandatory for 9 years (primary and middle school) but most students still opt to finish high school.
3. Finland
Graduation Rate: 95%
Education in Finland has had a lot of changes and is now considered as one of the best and most convenient of all education systems in the world. Schools in the country offer no tuition fees and even meals are subsidized for full-time students. Education is also compulsory up to the secondary level.
2. Slovenia
Graduation Rate: 96%
In Slovenia, primary and secondary school is handled by and independent body known as the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. After high school, students can opt to enter an institution for tertiary education.
1. Portugal
Graduation Rate: 96%
Education in Portugal is compulsory until one reaches 18, it is also free. There are many public and private institutions in the country and there are even universities that date back to the 13th century. Not unusual considering Portugal is one of the oldest countries in existence.
There you have it, the list of 10 Countries with the Highest High School Graduation Rates. These countries definitely have great educational systems hence the high graduation rates.