The threat of losing trees is evident in these 10 countries with the highest deforestation rates in the world. Deforestation is a considerable threat in today’s world. With nonstop development, production and population growth, the demand for natural resources from trees continue to grow. Despite efforts to re-plant trees and create tree farms, some countries are now experiencing the effects of high deforestation. Many of us are not aware of how trees are helpful to our environment and our safety. The roots of trees help hold soil and prevent erosion and landslides, trees also help absorb water and lessen floods.
Another thing that trees also provide us is clean air and oxygen. Trees help filter the air for us and provide us with oxygen so we can breathe. You’ll notice that countries with fewer trees have more air pollution. Some of the most beautiful sights in the world are the ones created by nature. Trees help create the beauty that we enjoy today and have made the earth greener. There are some countries in the world that support and promote this preservation. As such, they’ve become The 10 Greenest Countries in the World.
The countries listed here are ranked based on how much deforestation has been done in the last 5 years. While other countries have taken steps to preserve and maintain their forests, other countries seem to continue and even increase the deforestation rate with each year. Let’s learn more as we explore these 10 countries with the highest deforestation rates in the world.
10. Laos
Deforestation Rate: 5.3%
Laos has very rich and diverse forest areas. A lot of wood there is harvested for their variety and the country contains some of the best materials that have been constantly logged. Other than wood the forests are heavily sought after for medicine and other products. Logging has been consistently high in the country since the 1980s.
