If you’re reading about countries with the cheapest land per acre for sale in the world, then you must be a potential buyer looking to find cheap land. Buying land is not exactly something all of us do as it is expensive. But prices vary greatly not only from country to country but from city to city.
Price of land depends on several factors, and if you are looking for a cheap place to live, then you should not consider any of 10 most expensive cities in the world to buy real estate. You should be looking into 17 cheapest places to live in the world that speak English.
In major cities, the land is very expensive, and that is why many prefer to buy agricultural land. An hour away from the city, you can already find much more affordable land, and a few countries that offer such opportunities are Canada, America, and Australia. Powered by Earth provides more insight into cheapest land for sale across the U.S. with under $1,000 per acre.

Luis Perez Santiago/Shutterstock.com
When it comes to cheapest property in the world for sale, there are many options in Europe as well that are quite affordable. According to sources, the land became much cheaper during the last few years in some parts of Europe, and Expat Focus provides insight into this matter. You may also benefit from checking out our list of 10 easiest countries to buy a house in the world.
One of the relevant factors when deciding whether it is profitable to purchase land is to ask yourself are you looking for a short-term or long-term gain? Buying land near cities that are expanding fast sounds like a great idea, but it is important to think about what are you hoping to gain and when.
We must say that searching for data on cheapest agricultural land in the world was not a light task as we didn’t have access to such a large and detailed report concerning every country in the world. The information is scarce and often unreliable. However, thanks to various sources, we were able to compare affordability of land for sale worldwide and come up with a list. So, in order to do so, we had to consider cheapest agricultural land in the world as well as prices of properties for sale. To avoid confusion, we will not mention specific prices. We then selected the countries often mentioned in sources such as Gateway to South America, Powered by Earth, Gumtree, Sovereign Man, etc., and we ranked them in a random way. We have also provided links for each country where you can find more information on land prices.
Here are the 10 countries with the cheapest land per acre for sale in the world.
10. Ireland
While prices of land have recently gone up in Ireland, it is still possible to acquire agricultural land for relatively low prices. You can find more information about prices here.

Patryk Kosmider/Shutterstock.com