1. Yemen
Difference: 42.97%
Facebook YOY: -20.69%
Twitter YOY: 22.28%
At the top of our list, with the largest gap in growth between Facebook and Twitter, we find Yemen. With over 25 million citizens, the country has an Internet reach of only about 20%, in part due to the ongoing crisis taking place there in the form of a war between forces loyal to the government, and the rebel movement.
Among those that do have an Internet connection, over 61.4% frequently check in on Facebook, while 31.2% are firing off 140-character messages on Twitter and/or catching up on the news there. Over the past year, however, Facebook usage has dropped by over 20%, while Twitter usage has climbed by over 22% in the same timeframe. While it still has a long ways to go, Twitter is closer to catching Facebook in Venezuela than in any other country on this list.
So there you have it, the 10 countries where Twitter is growing faster than Facebook, for a variety of reasons. Will it ever catch Facebook in any of those countries? Let us know in the comments.
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