If you ever wondered where people watch the most porn, we gathered from various sources a list of 10 countries that watch the most porn in 2017.
Porn may be a topic that has divided the nation and continues to be thought of as a taboo topic, considering how liberal the United States has become. Many people believe that pornography is degrading society and may be an illustration of people’s perverted fantasies. They believe that sex ought to be a personal act and selling your body to earn cash is criminal and should be prohibited. Such folks would possibly think about moving to countries like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan wherever pornography is really illegal.
There’s little doubt that pornography is a multi-billion-dollar business. Well, we gathered from various sources a list of how much female porn stars make for each type of scene. In 2017, out of the one million most well-liked websites in the world, around 20% were pornography sites. Different estimates recommend that up to 14 of all websites within the world show pornography. It’s no secret that adult recreation is among the leading industries driving website traffic online. However simply how much of this traffic is truly reaching porn websites, and what locations is it coming from? While searching, we’ve learned that there are countries where the people think that there are many benefits of watching pornography. We’ve also come to know what is illegal to search on the internet in some countries along with the top 10 illegal websites. The results definitely will surprise you and give you a recent idea on how online marketers operating in this category are maximizing their returns. Keeping that in mind, we surveyed usage information collected from Google’s Double Click Ad Planner report and discovered that the most common pornography website on the internet serves up more than 4.4 billion page views per month. Where Reddit, by comparison, clocks in with simply 2.8 billion.

How much content is out there on Pornhub? As of their insight report, there were over ten million videos and 1.5 million hours of content uploaded. 2.8 million of these uploads are labeled as Amateur videos. With 75 million visitors per day and 22 million registered users, Pornhub fans are a really active community. You can also check our list of most sexually active cities in the world. Over the past year, we’ve learned plenty regarding what people wish when it comes to pornography. We’ve learned what type of videos girls around the world really watch and just how often “Aisha Sabeer,” “Veena Malik,” and, of course, “Blue movies online” was searched simply in time for the vacation season.
Porn sites may be somewhat of an unhealthy habit of many people since it outranks gambling, beauty, fitness, travel, health, and recreation. The pornography industry is known for maximizing vast profits, and is actually twice as big as the online finance industry, in terms of traffic share. To make this list of top 10 countries, we used Quora where many people discuss how much they watch porn and which country they are from. We have also looked into the Pornhub insight report. Each and every year they publish an insight report of their website traffic. We have ranked the countries according to the porn website views per capita.
So, without further ado, here are the 10 countries that watch the most porn in 2017.
10. The Netherlands
Porn views per capita: 144
The Netherlands is known for being one of the healthiest countries in the world. The people of the Netherlands have a very good sexual curiosity. That makes this country into this list. They searched for Kim Kardashian the most, and they watch ‘hentai’ which makes it at the top.

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com