10 Countries That Send Most Immigrants To France

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2. Morocco

Percentage of entrants to France in 2012: 7%

France and Morocco have an old relationship, due to France’s colonial rule of the country. This relationship presented Moroccans an opportunity to move to France in the 1960s, due to France having excellent economic conditions which allowed people in the country to enjoy a high standard of living. However, French Moroccans have integrated well into France, and a survey showed that 60% frequently interacted with locals in France. Another way they embraced French culture was becoming less religious, with French-Moroccans not being very likely to go to the mosque. Less than a third reported praying around once a week when Islam stipulates five prayers daily.Now, let’s see the number one on our list of countries that send most immigrants to France.

10 Countries That Send Most Immigrants To France

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