The world we live in seems to always be on edge, to always look for reasons to fight whether they’re real or made up, so it’s particularly frightening to know there are many countries that hold the future of the world in their hands, such as these 10 countries that have weapons of mass destruction.
Weapons of mass destruction come in many forms, including nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or any other type of weapon that can kill large numbers of people or cause great damage to various structures. They have been used in the past, perhaps the most famous ones being those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which ended World War II. Following the wars, multiple international conventions and treaties were signed to prevent such events from ever taking place. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, for instance, seeks to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Then there’s the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention which was created to supplement the Geneva Protocol which prohibits the use, but not the possession or development, of chemical and biological weapons.
These documents and more are in place because the world needs a way to make sure that such weapons are not deployed, because just because we are able to create them, it doesn’t mean that we should. Living in a fear that nuclear weapons may be deployed or that chemical weapons may be used in war areas is not a great way to live. The two bombings from 1945 at Nagasaki and Hiroshima killed over 129,000 people and that’s nothing compared to the damage such weapons could do today.
These are only some od the issues in the world we can think about these days, as there are much more, such as these 10 Biggest Health Problems in the World in 2016. If we all don’t try to take certain measures to change the way things are going globally regarding these and other relevant issues, the question remains whether or not our grandchildren are going to have a safe place to live.
Back on the main topic – as we said earlier, there are multiple types of weapons that can cause mass destruction, varying from nuclear, chemical, biological and radiological, to name a few. We took a look at some of the numbers on these topics for the countries around the world. For some we found hard numbers, for others we awarded points if they had a working program in the development of such weapons. Of course, since this type of programs are mostly kept under wraps by authorities, there are allegations left and right, some more credible than others, therefore they should all be taken with a grain of salt.
Without further ado, here are the 10 countries that have weapons of mass destruction.
10. Cuba
Points – 5
Cuba is one of the countries that is not known to have nuclear or chemical weapons programs, and it is one of the countries that has signed the major nonproliferation treaties and regimes. When it comes to biological weapons, however, there are allegations coming from the United States that Cuba has a limited developmental offensive biological warfare research and developmental effort. The official statements made by Cuba’s officials were to deny all allegations, but that is not exactly a surprise.
Cuba has signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 2002 and ratified the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean in the same year. The country has also signed the Biological and Toxin Convention back in the 70s and the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1993.

Anna Jedynak /
9. Syria
Points – 10
As if things in Syria weren’t complicated enough, they also have chemical and biological weapons in its arsenal, some of which they’ve been accused of using during the confrontations going on in the country.
Officials have skirted around the issue, but allegations point to Syria undertaking activities that were banned and even kept up its efforts to develop a biological deterrent which can be delivered via cruise missiles, fighter aircraft, helicopters and more. Victims of the civil conflict have accused officials of also using chemical weapons with sources indicating some 1,500 deaths in chemical attacks. Reports indicate that sarin nerve gas, a highly toxic chemical warfare agent that’s been banned by international law was to blame for the deaths.

fpolat69 /
8. Iran
Points – 10
Officially, Iran doesn’t have any biological weapons or chemical weapons. Unofficially, there have been plenty of accusations thrown around towards Iran, some claiming that Iran may have already passed the research and development effort. In fact, it is believed the country is hiding weapons that can be delivered via short-range cruise missiles, artillery shells and rockets. When it comes to chemical weapons, Iran has been pretty public about condemning the use of such agents. Recent assessments, however, indicate that the country continues to have the capability to produce chemical warfare agents and has been conducting research in this direction.
As far as nuclear weapons go, Iran isn’t known to have any. It is also party to the Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons since the 70s.
And now, let’s see what else we have in our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction.

7. North Korea
Points – 11
We’ve reached the first country on our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction to have a stockpile of nuclear weapons. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has an active nuclear weapons program and has been known to test nuclear explosive devices over the years, even twice this year.
North Korea has been known to deploy short and medium-range ballistic missiles and has even launched long-range rockets. It is also believed that North Korea possesses biological and chemical weapons programs, although it is unclear just how far along they’ve come in their research and development program.
The country withdrew from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons back in 2003 and made a point out of making their testing done as publicly as possibly. They’re also not a part of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty as it’s been pretty obvious. The country is also not a part of the Chemical Weapons Convention or a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime. The country is, however, part of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the Geneva Protocol. Despite the latter two, they are suspected of conducting an offensive biological weapons program anyway.

Viktoria Gaman /
6. Israel
Points – 12
Up next on our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction is Israel, a country that’s right in the middle of a rather conflict-ridden area. The country is known to have some 80 nuclear warheads, a sizable arsenal. Israel has made it its business to keep a rather tight-lip regarding this topic so not much is known from official sources.
When it comes to biological weapons, it is unclear whether Israel still has a running program regarding the research and development of such weapons, but it is known that it used to have one where they researched agents such as Anthrax. The research conducted in regards to chemical weapons at the Israeli Center for Biological Research has been quite extensive, too. Official statements regarding this issue have not acknowledged the progress they’ve made, nor denied anything, making all the allegations seem that much more real.

Sean Pavone/
5. UK
Points – 15
Next up in our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction is the United Kingdom, a country that has a rather large nuclear arsenal. Data shows the number sits at some 225 warheads. Despite the alarming numbers, the United Kingdom is part of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and a member of all major similar treaties. Still, it should be noted that these weapons can be deployed at any time on ballistic missile submarines.
Either way, the country plans to reduce the stockpile to some 180 warheads in the next decade or so, but until then the number stands.
When it comes to biological weapons, the UK used to be one of the bad boys – weaponizing anthrax, researching botulinum toxin uses and other pathogens that cause plague and other terrible diseases. The offensive biological weapons program was closed some 60 years ago, however. Similarly, in the late 50s, the UK renounced its chemical weapons program and destroyed the stockpile it had on hand.
The UK is also one of the few countries to have ever tested a hydrogen bomb, which is far more powerful than a “regular” atomic bomb. In fact, it is one of only a handful of states to have done so.
4. France
Points – 17
France ranks 4th in our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction. It has signed all major nonproliferation treaties, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an impressive stockpile of its own. In fact, it has some 300 nuclear warheads hidden in its bunkers, and it’s been known to conduct tests up until the mid-90s at various sites. The country has been pretty good at keeping its promise, however, and has stopped production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium which are used for such weapons.
The country is part of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the Australia Group and hasn’t officially had a biological weapon for some 70 years. Before that, however, it managed to weaponize the potato beetle and researched terrifying pathogens that cause anthrax, salmonella, and even cholera. France also had a stockpile of mustard gas and phosgene back in the 40s, but has vowed to not produce any more in the future.
France is also one of the few countries to test out a hydrogen bomb.

Ioan Panaite/
3. China
Points – 21
We are continuing our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction with China that is known to have a considerable stockpile of nuclear warheads, counting to some 260 of them. Along them, the country also has range ballistic missile capabilities and can develop chemical and biological weapons.
Despite denials that it has even conducted a biological weapons program, reports indicate that there’s really no way of knowing for sure if they are cooking anything under the table, especially since they have the technological capabilities required. There have also been allegations regarding China conducting an advanced chemical weapons program, but there’s inconclusive evidence towards this end.
China is also one of the five countries to have tested out hydrogen bombs in the past.

Prasit Rodphan/
2. USA
Points – 23
Up next on our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction is the United States, a country that sits on nearly 7,000 nuclear warheads. The USA is, however, a member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, as well as to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention and has no official offensive biological or chemical programs undergoing.
Despite official reports, there are allegations that the USA is actually researching how to weaponize smallpox and undertaking other questionable researches. When it comes to chemical weapons, the USA had a large stockpile, meaning over 27,700 metric tons which it has vowed to destroy. It seems that most of it has been destroyed already and the rest of the process will be completed by 2023.
The USA is also one of the few countries to have tested the powerful hydrogen bombs.

Sean Pavone/
1. Russia
Points – 24
Russia, the number one in our list of countries that have weapons of mass destruction, is the country with the largest stockpile of nuclear warheads. Back in the day, the Soviet Union had an estimated 45,000 weapons. Nowadays, the number sits at some 8,000. The country also continues to have large stocks of fissile material perfect for weapon-making since before the fall of the Soviet Union.
When it comes to biological weapons, the country is known to have conducted extensive research back in the 70s and 80s, as per official declarations, but it is unknown what has really been happening since then. Allegations indicate that Russia may have managed to weaponize terrible agents that cause the plague, smallpox, anthrax and loads more.
Russia also admitted to possessing the largest chemical weapons stockpile in the world – some 40,000 metric tons of chemical agent, including sarin gas, mustard gas, and phosgene. Following the declaration of what it has in its possession, Russia started to destroy the materials, although it has asked for an extension of its 2012 deadline given the large stock. By August 2013, Russia has destroyed over 30,400 metric tons of chemical agents.
Russia is one of the countries that has tested hydrogen bombs in the past.
That being said, these are 10 countries that have weapons of mass destruction.

Mikhail Varentsov/