3. Russia
Number of Time Zones: 11
Throughout the years there were many changes when it comes to time zones and time tracking in Russia. The time zone boundaries changed 7 times, first change happening in 1993 and last in 2016. Since March 2011 Russia, the number three on our list of countries that have the most time zones abandoned the practice of daylight saving time labeling it as unpractical. There were also abolitions and reinstating of some time zones. The government’s abolition of two time zones in 2010 faced with much criticism and protests, so they had to be brought back. Time zones in Russia spawn from UTC+02:00 to UTC+12:00. The most populous time zone with close to 90 million inhabitants is UTC+03, which covers most of European part of Russia including the capital Moscow. The least populous is UTC+12 that cover far eastern regions of the country including Chukotka and Kamchatka Krai where close to 400,000 people live.