10 Countries That Have The Most Refugees

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10. Chad

Number of refugees: 369K

At the end of last year, Chad was the host of the tenth largest population of refugees – over 369,000 people. The people on the refugees lists mainly come from Sudan and the Central African Republic, two of the nations that have lost some of the largest numbers of people due to the crisis taking place inside the borders.

Considering that Chad has a total population of under 13 million people, the number of refugees it hosts is pretty high. This landlocked country in the northern area of Central Africa borders Libya, Sudan, and the Central African Republic, as well as Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger, being the fifth largest country in Africa in terms of area. Given that two of its neighbors are on the hot list of countries with the most dispatched people, it’s no surprise that it is now called home by so many refugees. And now, let’s see what else we have in our list of countries that have the most refugees.

10 Countries That Have The Most Refugees

Andrei Tudoran/Shutterstock.com

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