5. Germany
In the attempt to not offend too much, but also sustain my right as a Jew and a cynic to make holocaust jokes, I will allow myself three Nazi witticisms, no more, no less.
How thankful should we be for German inventions? I hear they were really big on camps, but I don’t think they were known for being particularly fun (that’s one). Come on, you can’t tell me you did nat-zee that coming! (That’s two)
Nevertheless, Germans are responsible for an astounding number of discoveries and creations that have benefited the world for hundreds of years, and this should be acknowledged. Here are some examples of great German inventions:
Airbag, Aspirin, Automobile, Bacteriology, Beer, Chipcard, C-Leg, Ecoflex Plastic, Glider, Gummi Bear, Helicopter, Jet Engine, MP3 Format, Nuclear Fission, Nylon Plug, Radio-controlled Watch, Record Player, Scanner, Small Format Camera, Social Legislation, Tape recorder, Theory of Relativity, The Pill, Toothpaste, “Wiener” sausage, X-ray technology.
In view of all this, these guys certainly belong among the countries that have invented the most things in all human history. And however much a mess they made of my ancestors, they did bring BEER into the world, so… call it even? (That’s three)