These 10 countries that export the most wine in the world account for 88 percent of global shipments. Last year, the value of wine export was €28.3 billion, which was a nine percent increase compared to a year ago. In terms of quantities, the export rose by approximately 1.9 million hectoliters.
Latest data from the International Organisation of Vine and Wine show that there has been continuing decline in the area under vine. In 2014, 7.573 kha were used for vine cultivation, some 300kha less than in 2013. The fall was driven by the reduction in European vineyards. At the same time, countries outside Europe, such as China, Chile, Argentina have increased the number of vineyards.

Despite the global shrinkage in the area under vine, grape production has been on the rise due to higher yield and favorable weather conditions. Currently, China, which ranks as second by the area under vine, is a top grape producer with annual output of 111,015, followed by the US, France, Italy, and Spain. The increase in grape output has been followed by greater wine production. In 2015, quantities of produced beverage rose by 4,000khl compared to the previous year. Among the top producing countries, Italy, France, America, and Chile recorded growth while others made less wine.
Although European countries still dominate the list of top wine producers and exporters, in the last few years there has been a shift in wine production. Countries outside the Old Continent have recognized the economic benefits of winemaking, which do not only include revenue made from export but also profit generated from tourism. South American states, along with China started to invest more resources in making wine of greater quality which can become competitive globally. In a short period, they have become important players in the international market. At the same time, Europe, faced with wine over-production, introduced policy whose aim was to slow down wine production. Moreover, with increased health awareness about alcohol harmful effects wine consumption among Europeans has dropped significantly. For instance, five years ago French drank 28.3 million hectoliters of wine yearly, while last year the annual consumption was 27.2 million hl. For these reasons European wine production fell in the last 15 years. In the 2000s, Europe produced 73 percent of global wine while in 2014 the beverage from the Old Continent accounted for 60 percent of global quantities. The negative trend is expected to continue in the future, and 2020 is marked as the year when Europe won’t be the greatest wine producer for the first time.
In order to find out which 10 countries export the most wine in the world, we used International Wine Central data. The quantities presented below represent the organization’s estimates for 2015. As said before, largest wine exporters are located in Europe, which is also the case with these 10 countries that export the most wheat in the world.
Now, let’s finally see countries that rule the wine producing world!