10 Countries that Export the Most Wheat in the World

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3. Australia

Exported value: $4.4 billion

Despite unfavorable weather conditions, Australia’s wheat export is expected to increase by 2 percent in 2015-2016, compared to previous year reaching 16.9 million tons. Growth in global demand, increased production, and higher opening stocks are seen as the main reason behind the rise. Lower precipitation and higher temperatures affected the yield especially in Victoria, which recorded the highest production decrease. Besides Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia also gave less wheat compared to a year ago. However, production in New South Wales and Queensland compensated for the decline in other parts of the country. Main importers of Australia’s wheat are India, Indonesia, and China. Until recently Australia found a significant market in the Middle East and North Africa which accounted for 17 percent of the commodity shipments. However, the demand from these parts of the world has fallen. At the same time, Australia is facing strong competition from the US and Canada for China’s market.

 Countries that Export the Most Wheat in the World

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