10 Countries that Export the Most Uranium in the World

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10. Nigeria

Export: 110 tons in 2011

Exploration and production of uranium in Nigeria started 35 years ago. In 1979, the government established Nigerian Uranium Mining Company (NUMCO) in partnership with Total Compagnie Minière of France. After the French company left NUMCO in 1987, uranium production was set on a downward track. In the last few years, following the discovery of uranium on a few sites, exploration and production have been resumed. The country has signed exploration agreements with Russia and India. Following the strategic plan for energy diversification as one of the main conditions for the country’s future development, Nigeria has entered negotiations with Russia’s Rosatom Corp to build four nuclear plants which should become operable by 2035. The government plans to rely on domestic uranium resources to fuel future reactors.

 Countries that Export the Most Uranium in the World


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