10 Coolest Things to Buy on Alibaba and Sell on eBay

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  1. iPhone Tempered Glass Screen Protector
  2. Buy on Alibaba for: $0.60 per piece (50 pieces minimum order)

    Sell on eBay for: $2.95 each

    Number of iPhone Tempered Glass Screen Protector buyers on eBay (for week ended June 3): at least 1,924

    Potential profit before taxes and other expenses: $4,521.40 on 1,924 pieces sold

    Additional note: There were three other similar tempered glass screen protector products that sold at least 800 units each during the week in question, so this general product category is in-demand.

    10 Coolest Things to Buy on Alibaba and Sell on eBay

    Anna Hoychuk/Shutterstock.com

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