10 Coolest Things and Best Gadgets from CES 2016

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6. HTC Vive

Everyone seems to want a piece of the next best thing in gaming, which is, obviously, virtual reality. Even though this is a segment that’s only just starting out, companies are doing their best to come up with something new to show to the public. The competition is heating up, and more brands are joining the game. HTC isn’t exactly the company you’d think would come up with a Virtual Reality headset, but it looks like that didn’t stop them at all.

The whole package looks quite nice, nicer than any of the other versions, in fact. The device works both if you’re sitting on your couch like you usually do while gaming, or standing and trying to get more involved in the experience. The HTC Vive has a camera built into the front of the headset, and you can turn it on if you want to get a glimpse of what’s actually happening around you, so you don’t punch someone real while trying to down an adversary in the game.

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