10 Cool Science and Technology Activities for NYC Kids

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5. Carmelo the science guy

Score: 18

If the name of this place sounds familiar is because Carmelo is kind of famous. The former science teacher, who holds a master’s in Elementary Science and Environmental Education, has authored a book of at-home experiments promoting scientific observation, exploration, and analysis called “Crazy for Science with Carmelo the Science Fellow.”

There are multiple things this place has to offer, including playgroups for toddlers, birthday parties, and camps. This summer’s camps, for instance, focus on a wide range of topics, such as geology, superhero science, entomology, chemistry, astronomy, ecology and more. One week of camp with Carmelo costs $490, with an additional $25 cost as a registration fee.

10 Cool Science and Technology Activities for NYC Kids

David Pereiras/Shutterstock.com

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