10 Companies That Are The Biggest Polluters in the World

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Total greenhouse gas emissions from 1965 to 2017 (in billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent): 34.02

Percentage of total greenhouse gas emissions from 1965 to 2017: 2.51%

BP was responsible for the Deepwater Horizon Spill in 2010, which is said to be the worst oil spill in history, which ended up costing the company more than $65 billion in fines, penalties and cleanup costs, though again, for a company which earns more than $280 billion in revenue annually, that will be a hit but not big enough to be a major deterrent.

BP plc (ADR) (NYSE:BP), British Petroleum, Logo, Sign, Symbol, Isolated, Gas, Oil, Fuel

sergspb / Shutterstock.com

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