In this article about 10 companies and businesses that accept ethereum, you will find the answers to what ethereum is, which companies accept digital currencies like bitcoin and litecoin, and (most importantly for some) if anything can be purchased on Amazon with them.
So, who accepts ethereum as payment? Firstly, for the sake of all the readers out there, we feel the need to make the matters clear. There are two types of readers of this article: those that are ethereum conscious and have already read our article on companies that accept bitcoin, and those that simply clicked on the title out of curiosity (we all know ether as a compound, don’t we). The latter are in for a big surprise, because ethereum is actually a digital cryptocurrency, similar to its predecessor, bitcoin. Litecoin? Yes, you didn’t mishear, that exists, too. If you wonder who accepts litecoin, these would be eGifter, Benz, and Beamer. As a matter of fact, Holy Transaction informs us Tesla Model P85 was purchased for 5,447 litecoins; i.e.$90,000. Did you know that Subway accepts bitcoin as a payment option, as well? As of May 2017, Subway franchise went global.

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If you haven’t noticed, our world is increasingly becoming more digital, so it is a natural course of action that we have begun to make our payments in digital, intangible currencies. Should you wonder what the reason behind all this is, the answer takes you back at the beginning. The answer is money or profits. To put it in a nutshell, one of the biggest advantages of digital currencies is that the number of mediators is lower, and the corruption possibilities are pretty low since this is not a centralized system. The transactions should be more effective and secure. You can always count on the big players to invent new methods of saving their capital, so the digital currencies came as the perfect answer to their prayers. That is why the number of companies that accept ethereum is steadily increasing, and according to some experts, it is only a matter of time when it will take over bitcoin in the race.
When talking about businesses and merchants accepting ethereum, Fortune gave a pretty good explanation of some of the digital currency’s virtues, i.e. the blockchains both ethereum and bitcoin are made of. For instance, the largest shipping company, Maersk, used cryptographic signatures to successfully track its cargo. Also, contracts are going to be safer to sign, i.e. they will evolve into smart contracts. As you can see, the list of potential uses goes on and on, so let us see which companies are already using ether.
We started our search with Zerohedge, Inc and The Motley Fool, only to be lead to Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and find the whole list of its members. New contracts are being signed as you are reading this, and the latest names which joined the ethereum community are more than impressive. Does Amazon accept bitcoin or ethereum? No, unfortunately, NewsBTC reports this company is still saying no to the digital currencies, even though every now and then there are rumors and some bombastic headlines about them joining. The answer to the question does eBay accept bitcoin payment will be “no“, as well. Still, don’t lose hope. If Bill Gates believes in ethereum, why wouldn’t you?
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance connects 500 companies, and we have chosen some of the most well-known for our 10 companies and businesses that accept ethereum. The names are given in random order.