10 Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

You wouldn’t think that coming up with the 10 cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites would be so difficult. But in fact, anti-white hate crime statistics—let alone, hate crime statistics, in general—can be hard to come by. Reason being is that the data collected to make up the statistics are not only incomplete but flawed, as well. The incompletion of the reports collected is mainly due to the fact that they are 100% voluntary; which means that police departments aren’t required to even report hate crime incidents. Not only do many incidents go unreported, but it can sometimes be difficult to prove the motive and classify it as a hate crime. This paired with the fact that some reports are later uncovered to be fabricated stories by the victims, themselves, can further prove the idea that racism statistics are very vague and hold only PART of the truth.

However, this does not disprove the fact that racism in America today is very much so alive. VOA News recently reported that the issue of hate crimes and racism has been on the rise as of late. The data taken from 2016 reports compared to that of the ones collected just the year before showed a 4.6 percent increase, and apparently, 2017’s reports are even higher!

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites


I, myself, was actually astonished by the astronomical increase in more recent racially motivated crimes based on the information I found on the official FBI: Uniform Crime Reporting website when I compared them to an article Vince did—10 Most Racist Cities in America Ranked by Hate Crimes—just one year prior to the year I was able to collect the data for the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites.

But before I get too involved in what went into making this particular list, let me quickly refresh your memory on some hate crime facts—if you don’t remember learning all about them in middle school (assuming that all schools at least touch on the subject). First off, what legally constitutes a hate crime? Quite simply, a crime can be considered to be a hate crime when the motivation of the crime committed is based on one’s race or ethnic background, sex or even sexual orientation, and beliefs (such as religious or political). Sometimes they are referred to as a bias crime. Which, the bias crime definition is the same as that of a hate crime.

And speaking of biases, they’re kind of like assholes in the sense that everybody’s got them (I’m aware the saying refers to “opinions” being like assholes, but hey—this works, too). For instance, I’m pretty biased when it comes to Joaquin Phoenix… and not in a good way. While most women find him dreamy and will watch any movie in which he plays a starring role in (bias much?), I am quite the opposite. This is simply because the very first movie I ever saw him in was the Gladiator. Had it been Signs or Walk the Line, or basically anything else, PERHAPS I would feel differently about him. But, unfortunately for Joaquin Phoenix, I very quickly grew to hate him for his role as Commodus in the film; which—if you can remember—Commodus was a dickhead! So much so that I have since turned my nose up to any and every movie he plays in.

Although it was a pretty silly example, everyone has similar biases, whether they like to admit it or not. Do I think Joaquin Phoenix is a terrible actor? No. One could even argue that he played the part of an asshole SO WELL that it was his impressive acting skills that birthed my hatred towards him. But that is a-whole-nother rant! Enough about the guy! What I’m trying to get across here is no-one—not even Mother Teresa, herself!—is above being biased every once in a while about one thing or another. Where am I going with this, here? Well, unfortunately, government officials have biases, as well. FBI bias is just what it sounds like. Although, sometimes more serious than others. Sometimes they simply had a bad experience in a certain area, and they get that same feeling I get when somebody even mentions the name Joaquin Phoenix whenever they might have to work in that area again. They may even do all they can to avoid it, altogether. Sometimes they are more biased towards a certain race or even someone with particular political views.

In all seriousness, though, hate crimes are held in a class of their own. Even a burglar or serial killer would get off lighter than someone committing the exact same crime, but who is motivated by hate. What sucks for the victim is that it’s not always easy to prove the motivation. This makes racial crime statistics even harder to come by, and while I really wanted to reveal the most anti-white cities, I had to settle for cities with the most hate crimes. It bothered me even more that the Uniform Crime Reporting hadn’t yet released their 2017 information on their site. So the UCR 2016 edition had to do. With the most recent official records I could find, I only took note of the race-driven hate crimes and tallied up the 10 cities with the most racially motivated crimes [against whites].

10. Lexington, Kentucky

There was actually a tie for the 10th spot on the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites. Both Lexington, Kentucky and Chicago, Illinois had 26 reported hate crimes based on race, alone. Although I felt compelled to give Chicago a mention on this list, I chose to feature Lexington instead of Chicago simply based on the fact that the population of Lexington is about an 8th of the population of Chicago’s. So, the ration of hate crimes per occupants of the city is much higher than the ratio of Chicago’s. This still does not seem to pose a major problem to the Lexington Police Department (LPD), as their website does not have even give a single mention about hate in their city. That’s not to say they don’t take crime seriously. The Bluegrass Crime Stoppers is a special organization kind of like a community crime watch where members keep an eye out for crime and report it when necessary. They also have an abundance of victim resources for the victims of certain kinds of crimes. You can take a further look at the lengths the LPD goes through to control crime in their city, here. Take that, Scruff McGruff!

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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9. Toledo, Ohio

As the smallest town (based on the number of occupants) on this list, you wouldn’t think that Toledo would be among the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites. But, it is. With 31 reported hate crimes pertaining to race, there were no specific incidents recorded on their website that I could track. However, the Toledo Police Department (TPD) proves to take bias within their force seriously. They have multiple reports that demonstrate this fact. I also thought it was pretty neat that they have this nifty crime map where the city’s occupants can choose their location and receive alerts in the form of text or email messages when there is crime reported near-by. Kind of like a modern day police scanner.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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8. Cincinnati, Ohio

Not too far away from the second city featured on this list—in distance or in numbers—came a close third. Cincinnati had 32 race-related hate crimes reported and seems to take hate crimes rather seriously. They have a file regarding their procedures on the matter, and although it has not been revised for a few years, it appears they do take the time to look at it and make proper changes when they see fit. Not to mention, they take reporting the crimes themselves pretty seriously, too and see to it that all of their collected data is further analyzed. They didn’t take the spike in bias crime-related incidents lightly, as they take numerous steps to resolve and control the matter.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites


7. Kansas City, Missouri

Even though Kansas City had enough hate crimes to make it onto the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites, their website doesn’t go into as much detail as others when it comes to the issue. They only had one more incident than Cincinnati did, with a total of 33 reported hate crimes pertaining to race. They do, however, seem to hold regular meetings, as any police department would, where these specific types of crimes come up as a matter of concern in the city.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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6. Seattle, Washington

My hate crime search on the Seattle Police Department’s website was more fruitful than that of the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites that have come before it on this list. As it should, since the number of racially motivated hate crimes committed in Seattle are significantly higher with 64 incidents reported. With a relatively up-to-date bias crime dashboard that breaks down the incidents a little further to a very detailed report that goes over basically everything and anything pertaining to hate crimes. It appears they have taken the matter very seriously for some time, however, noticed a 24 percent increase in hate crimes and are cracking down even harder as of the past couple years. They’ve even gone so far as to have their own Bias Crime Unit to ensure the safety of the city.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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5. New York, New York

The NYPD take hate crimes so seriously that they have a special section on their site dedicated to it. It’s no wonder why as they are among the top 5 cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites with 74 reported incidents. More cities should follow in their footsteps, as they have a specific unit in the Special Victims Division called the “Hate Crime Task Force.” It consists of a team of investigators who deal with anything and everything relative to hate crimes.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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4. Boston, Massachusetts

It came as a bit of a surprise to me that Boston had more race-related hate crimes reported than New York. I mean 75 to their 74, but still! What was even more surprising is that they don’t seem to have much mention of these issues on their site. I mean, a short bit about a special guest speaker, but it doesn’t appear that he was there to talk about hate crimes, specifically. And a neat program called Bold + Bright, but that pertains more to bias issues within their education system. That’s about it, though.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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3. Phoenix, Arizona

Something tells me that this wasn’t the first time Phoenix has been considered to be one of the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites. I found that not only do they have an insane 90 incidents reported, but the keyword search I did on their site was plentiful. They are the first city that I was able to find further detail on these types of crimes. Of the 90 reported incidents from the year, I was able to gather data (2016), 18 of them were anti-white hate crimes. They even had reports from 2017, as well. And although I did not use these specific reports in my methodology, since not all cities had such recent reports available, I can’t help but share what I found. Looks like the number of anti-white hate crimes (7) along with the total number of hate crimes in general (51) decreased!

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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2. Los Angeles, California

Out of all of the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites, the LAPD seems to take these matters most seriously. This is not just because of their 112 reported race-driven hate crimes, but because they are a very large and one of the most diverse cities when it comes to race, nationality, sexual orientation, beliefs, and basically every aspect behind the motivation to these types of crimes. They even have a Hate Crime Coordinator whose contact information is listed in the Los Angeles Human Relations Commission hate crime brochure. Also listed in the brochure are a huge list of other helpful contacts and information about hate crimes and hate incidents. It’s apparent that hate crimes in the city have long been an issue, as they go into detail about what the police department is doing to fight hate crimes; which includes yet another Hate Crimes Task Force. The force has been around for quite some time and is obviously improving the numbers as LA used to have one of the highest numbers of hate crimes, not just in the United States, but in the whole nation! Keep up the good work LAPD!

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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1. Columbus, Ohio

I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen the numbers myself. Not only is Columbus, Ohio number one of the cities with the most racially motivated crimes against whites, but have you noticed Columbus is now the 3rd city featured in the state of Ohio? What the hell is going on in Ohio?!?! With a whopping 123 reported incidents, you would think they would be doing a little more to control the problem than just putting up flyers with the crime-fighting dog on them! Okay, okay! So Scruff McGruff isn’t the only one in the city trying to prevent these crimes from happening. Columbus Community Relations Commissioner, Chris Cozad has taken a bold stand for over a decade (and counting) on putting a stop to the hate it this city. The City Council is also targeting specific issues based on the matter, as well. Maybe they should consult with the LAPD for some of their proven methods of fighting hate crimes.

Cities with the Most Racially Motivated Crimes Against Whites

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